so the question is: what is the human condition? and my answer is, as are so many things in life, based on the convoluted expansion of a single concept which i will quickly walk you through, because this is how i came to find this image as the grand solution (in it's semi complete form). imediately the answer comes to me to be repitition. we live our lives along a path which is relatively congruent to the days before; eating, sleeping, interpersonal interactions, images which spark a thought dialogue we've likely explored in the past on some level, etc. this is a force which guides us all and of which many of us wish to escape. from here i think of the positive and negative associations to repitition which leads me to my step dad Steve who struggled with addiction- the particular repitition which lead him down a destructive path, away from the positive, normative associations to repitition...which in my eyes, in this situation comes down to family and the rituals therein. anyhow, here it is, this image is about me and steve and our relationship with one another as the condition has drenched us in a familial dynamic unique from any other in my life.
the process i followed was influenced by a process used by artist alex asher daniel. first i lay down the color allowing my sentiment towards steve to guide me (my first several preliminary drawings had colors different from the one above, they were less restful, the strokes more choatic and disjointed). the color is a combination of media including acrylic, watercolor, oil pastel, and a gel medium charcoal mixture. i would then follow with a grafite sketch which i tried to complete relatively quickly. the process is intintionally brief so as to maintain an honest quality, which isn't overthought, because that's a lot like how relationships work, sometimes they are just what they are no matter how hard you try. that just about sums it up except i want to say lastly that i know that there is a lot that is wrong with this image technically, but i love it because within the process of working i moved from a space anger to one of contentment.
the end.