Thursday, May 5, 2011

...this is my father.

after the human condition project, which i worked on earlier this semester my professor assigned us to do a contrast peice. the most logical contrast to me, since the previous project was regarding my relationship with my step dad, was to do one focusing on my relationship with my father. in this image i have me in the bottom poriton of the page represented as the same sparrow as in the human condition peice, and in the upper portion of the peice is my father (cute pic of him from grade school, looking pretty awesome i might add) the basic concept here is that dad can be highly analytical and is a very linear thinker, where as i am not. the marks are meant to convey and contrast of these mindsets and yet there he is on this sort of pedistle. i think of him in the highest regards for reasons which are both logical as well as purely instinctual and nonlinear.
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  1. Beautiful figure drawings--I particularly love the gestures (I know this does not surprise you). I could not find your dad's face in the piece you posted...? Maybe I need to view this on a larger screen. You have had a very productive semester, and have found your own footing. I am very proud of you. Ann

  2. Oh...I found him! This is very provocative. I appreciate your writing about this piece. Ann
