Sunday, July 3, 2011

development of yogi piece

in contemplating my practice on the mat (and off the mat) i have found myself coming back time and again to the concept of honoring my teachers. there really aren't words to accurately discribe what i want to say about this. mostly it's, well hmm...simply and humbly, i give thanks for the people in my life who have directly impacted me allowing thier life's experiences to wash over me. i want to say that this is the material which binds the separate parts of me into one semi-wholeness. in this drawing, i have explored this concept, attempting to address even the teachers whose impact has been passed on, aging and growing more sacred as it contributes to the greater wealth of knowledge.
so, i drew 8 or so of these faces, some yogi's and some not. they were darling little things each drawn in blue ball point pen on tracing paper. the materials used in this drawing are important as they are meant to reinforce this sense of humility in the face of the greater source.. and, one night at late o'clock i got playing with materials in the first production of this piece and at the time it represented my feelings towards all this, but the next morning i got a look at it and it was something so different to me. so we struggled together. how do i illustrate a relationship i have with something that i dont even fullly understand? something that i was reminded of with this drawing was that much like the relationships in our lives, sometimes the dynamic we have with our work is effortless and sometimes it takes a great deal of attention and purposeful care. i rode that line with this drawing. anyhow. after that night i sat with it and played with different options and all i could do was sort of tear it up break it into managable portions, there's not a picture of it here but i needed it to be more quiet and lighter. so i made this little tactile juicy drawing below to clear my head and then i started over from a new angle. multiples. multiples. then i came to an understanding and i knew where it needed to go. check it out.

materials- watercolor, oil pastel, chalk pastel, xeroxes, grafite, wax, wood
size wise its about 2 ' by 4'
the inclass critique- didn't get a whole lot of feed back on this piece although we all sort of agreed that there needs to be another layer of information behind the back drawing maybe another layer of wood.
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1 comment:

  1. I am quite drawn to the lone portrait taped on the background paper/board. It is a searing directed look deep into the the gazing eyes of the viewer-- no escape from soul-to-soul. Where the faces are repeated dilutes this gaze and feels manipulated (to me). Thank you for posting and allowing us in.
